As many of you may know Qolloriti'i Festival in Peru, which in 2011 was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, has been cancelled this year due to Covid 19 for the first time in perhaps a thousand years! This MECCA for the Andean Priests, is a Festival held near the sacred mountain of Ausangate where tens of thousands of indigenous pilgrims come from as far away as Bolivia, to sing and dance for the Mountain. Participants come in outrageous costumes, with garish masks, and beautiful sequined dancers spin and sing in choreographed sequences to the music of Qolloriti'i, dancing for 3 days and nights, for the mountain and the Lord of Qollorit'i. The Ukukus, sacred "bear men" play dangerous games all night, atop a 17,000 foot glacier, awaiting the arising of the Pleiades, symbol of harvest and abundance. In a fascinating ritual of sacred economy, participants play out their deepest dreams in a ritual gaming area, where anyone passing by becomes fair game, called to act in the ritual playing of another's dream.
But for us Paqos we know QOLLORIT'I because of it's significance in the Inka Prophecy. This site is the location that will see the arising of the first INKA MALLKU or Fifth Level Priest, the one who can heal any illness every time with only a single touch! The festival symbolizes our Collective Dream of entering a golden age!
The festival has been cancelled due to health concerns, but quarantine doesn't stop us working with our Collective Bubble, so here's the suggested plan:
We come together as a global family of Paqos a few hours prior to the Full Moon on June 5th, weaving ourselves together through the activation of our Ñawis and Chunpis joined with the larger forces of Nature across the planet and activating our Apachetas.
We will meet on Zoom to do this together.
There is a limit of 300 people on a Zoom call so that is our limit of people actively involved, others of course can support energetically.
Anyone who wants to be on the Zoom call needs to be capable of working with their Ñawis and Chunpis through the global field, by having taken part in previous ops and with the support of Elizabeth B. Jenkin's helpful video.
There will be a global meeting on Zoom, SUNDAY, May 31st at 19:00 UTC (please carefully translate the hour into your time zone ) where we will prepare for PaqoNet Fest and you MUST be on this call if you want to take part on the 5th.
You will need to register to take part in these calls so please only register if you are confident you will take part in both calls.